Visiting Lecturers 2010/11
Special Lectures in 2010/11 [Advisory Board Nembers]
Dr. K.R. Thankappan (Oct. 2 - 7, 2010)
Professor and Head MPH, Achutha Menon Center for Health Science Studies, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, India
"Good Health at Low Cost: Challenges for the Kerala Model"
Dr. Steve Fabricant (Oct. 27 - 29, 2010)
Health Economics Consultant
"Economics and International Health"
"Working In Health Economics"
Prof. Saul Helfenbein (Nov. 27 - 12, 2010)
Director, International Health Group, Chemonics International, USA
"ODA" (*Presentation)
"Bilateral donors: US and UK" (*Presentation and Group Work)
"Multilateral donors: World Bank and WHO" (*Presentation and Group Work)
"Foundations in International Health" (*Presentation and Group Work)
" NGOs in International Health" (*Presentation)
" Development of Health Systems" (*Presentation and Group Work)
" Community-based services" (*Presentation and Group Work)
"Public Private Partnership in the health sector" (*Presentation and Group Work)
"Payment for results schemes to improve performances" (*Presentation)
Prof. Masamine Jimba (Dec. 9 - 10, 2010)
Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, International Health, International Social Medicine, Tokyo University
"Human Security in Global Health: Beyond Disease Control"
Prof. Richard Cash (Feb. 20 - 25, 2011)
Senior Lecturer International Health, Harvard School of Public Heath
"Current issues on infectious diseases"
"Ethics on international health
Special Lectures in 2010/11 [Non-Advisory Board Members]
Dr. Christopher Ansell (May 10, 2010)
Associate Professor, UCLA Barkley
"Introduction to social network analysis, Part I& II"
Dr. Mohamed Karama (July 5 - 11, 2010)
Principal Research Officer, Centre for Public Health Research, KEMRI
"Health system in Kenya : Challenge for a better future from the communities"
Dr. Koen Peeters, Ms. Elizabeth Toomer (Nov. 15 - 25, 2010)
PASS International (Partners for Applied Social Sciences)
PASS International Workshop
"Qualitative research methods introduction"
"Qualitative research techniques"
"Models for qualitative research"
"How to use qualitative research to prepare your questionnaire"
Dr. Farah Mahjabeen Ahmed (Jan. 24 - 31, 2011)
Sr. Lecturer and Coordinator, Continuing Education Programme James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University
"Health System Strengthening"
Prof. Dan C.O. Kaseje (Jan. 24 - 29, 2011)
Vice Chancellor, Great Lakes University of Kisumu (GLUK), Kenya
"The History, Concept and Implementation of Community Health in Kenya"