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Features of TMGH

All lectures to be conducted in English

While learning the foundations of global health, we aim to foster a variety of experts capable of communicating in English.


Fall admission and the quarter system
The School will have fall admissions (starting October) with the school year using the quarter system (consisting of 4 quarters with 10 weeks each and a spring and summer flex period).


Top level lectures
We work in full cooperation with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. At the same time, we invite prominent researchers, teachers, etc. from abroad, allowing us to provide the highest level of lectures and teaching curriculum to our students.


Integration of education, research, and practice
By utilizing field offices in Kenya and Vietnam, our school is able to offer research and field practice alongside education in classrooms. This combination of theory and practice improves the effect of education to promote and practice in the field of global health.


Introduction of One year course
Because the requirements for the enrollment in the Tropical Medicine Course includes 2 years or more of clinical experience, the study period is designed to be only one year.



Implementation of long-term overseas practicum
First year students of the MPH course will spend three weeks on a short-term field training trip to better understand models used for health improvement measures in developing countries. During their second year, MPH students will conduct a mandatory, long-term overseas practicum in a developing country of their choosing in order to acquire in-field practical skills and experience (5 months internship, 3 months  research).


Cross course seminars
We provide "Global Health Seminars" that will be attended by students of all 3 courses. This will allow students to participate in discussions, share their different opinions, and think about the global health field from a more comprehensive perspective.


Supplementary classes and tutoring
Students entering this school come from various backgrounds. Therefore, to ensure the standard of learning for all, supplementary and tutoring classes for English communication and writing, important fundamental skills for academic studies, and more will be offered as needed.


Tel: 095-819-7583 | Fax: 095-819-7892

Nagasaki University
School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health
1-12-4 Sakamoto, Nagasaki City,
852-8523 JAPAN

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