International Applications OPEN
The 2nd period for international applications to TMGH Nagasaki Sakamoto Campus is now open until May 2nd, 2017. Please check the...
Takuya Shizume (MPH student) Winner of Best Poster Award at NTDASIA 2017 in Thailand
The Asian Neglected Tropical Diseases Conference, known as NTDASIA 2017 was held in Khon Kaen, Thailand over 8th to 9th March 2017. TMGH...
Applications Closed
The first period of applications for 2017 has finished. Thank you to all those who applied. International applications will re-open on...
Applications OPEN
Applications are now being accepted for both, Nagasaki Sakamoto Campus and Tokyo Satellite Campus. Please check out the "Applications"...
Philippines: Director of San Lazaro Hospital and accompanying party’s visitation to TMGH
On November 8th, 2016, Winston Go, Director of the San Lazaro Hospital (Philippines), Virginia Dimapilis, Director of Education, Alexis...