Prof. Noboru MINAKAWA
Professor Noboru MINAKAWA
皆川 昇
TMGH Modules
Environment & Global Health
Medical Entomology
My research interests include ecology of African malaria mosquitoes, and biodiversity
and biogeography of aquatic insects such as stoneflies and caddisflies. I was a member
of a decade-long series of expeditions to collect plants and animals on the islands of the
Kuril Archipelago and Sakhalin Islands in the Russian Far East. I hold a PhD from the
University of Washington, Seattle, United States, and worked at the State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo, before returning home to Japan. I studied salmon and trout for my graduate degrees and on my holidays, I can be found fly fishing in mountain streams in Japan or Africa.
Research Areas
Medical Entomology
Medical Entomology
Other Areas of Interest
South Africa
Selected Publications
Minakawa N, Kongere JO, Dida GO, Ikeda E, Hu J, Minagawa K, Futami K, Kawada H, Njenga SM, Larson PS. Parasitology, 142(12),1516-1522, 2015.
Larson PS, Minakawa N, Dida GO, Njenga SM, Ionides EL. & Wilson ML. Malaria Journal, 13(466), 2014.
Futami K, Dida GO, Sonye GO, Lutiali PA, Mwania MS, Wagalla S, Lumumba J, Kongere JO, Njenga SM, Minakawa N. Parasites& Vectors,7(63), doi:10.1186/ 1756-3305-7-63, 2014.
Iwashita H, Dida GO, Sonye GO, Sunahara T, Futami K, Njenga SM, Chaves LF, Minakawa N. Parasites & Vectors, 7(52), doi10.1186/1756-3305-7-52, 2014.
Malaria vectors in lake victoria and adjacent habitats in Western Kenya.
Minakawa N, Dida G.O, Sonye G.O, Futami K, Njenga S.M. PLOS ONE, 7(3), e32725, 2012.