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Visiting Lecturers 2012/13
Special Lectures in 2012/13 [Advisory Board Members]
Prof. Saul Helfenbein (Oct. 15 - 19, 2012)
Program and Organizational Development Associate Sirleaf Women's Market Fund, USA
Dr. Richard Cash (Nov. 8 - 13, 2012)
Senior Lecturer International Health, Harvard School of Public Heath, USA
Special Lectures in 2012/13 [Non-Advisory Board Members]
Dr. Seunghyun Yoo (Oct. 3 - 4, 2012)
Seoul National University, Graduate School of Public Health
Dr. Steve Fabricant (Oct. 4, 2012)
Health Economics Consultant
Dr. Koen Peeters, Dr. Joan Rivera (Oct. 29 - Nov. 6, 2012)
PASS International
Dr. Judd Walson (Nov. 17, 2012)
Assistant Professor, Department of Global Health, Medicine, Infectious Disease and Pediatrics, University of Washington
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